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Running Like Clockwork: Steampunk Art to Inspire You

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The Steampunk style has been a part of fantasy and science fiction artwork and literature for a few years now. Some proponents insist on keeping it entirely science-based, while others like to throw in healthy doses of fantasy. The question they all seem to be asking, though, is "what if X ran on steam?" X can be anything from computers to cars to personal jetpacks. Working prototypes of steampunk-esque machines have even been made (and used). It's an entire subculture, defined by a propensity toward Victorian aesthetics, practicality, and steam-powered anything. Below are 80 fantastic steampunk artworks to get your gears turning and start you on your way to designing your own steampunk creations.

Steampunk by PReilly

Steampunk by Sumerky

Steampunk Dragon by Kerembeyit

SteamPunk Octopus by Raybender

Steampunk Concept by Lebbeus

Steampunk Thumbelina by Hakubaikou

Steampunk Airship Pilot by Homarusrex

Oriental Steampunk by Superspacemonkey

Steampunk Mech I by likaspapaya

A Steampunk Fairytale Detail by Frankhong

Steampunk Fairytale by AkaiSoul

Escape This Steampunk City by Ftourini

Steampunk Santa by CyborgNecromancer

Steampunk Fairytale by Daniel-Velez

Steampunk Odysseus N' Cyclops by Chrislazzer

Steampunk Lincoln by Herrenmedia

Steampunk Concept by Justaman78

Steampunk Darth Vader by Simjoy

Steampunk Penguin Professor by Einen

2091, Rome: Steampunk Day by Leox92

Steampunk Mad Hatter by Crashingwave

Steampunk Ship: Brassheart by Industrial-Fores

Steampunk Airship by KMiklas

Steampunk Paddle Duck by Ivy00

Steampunk Bot Design by Ahbiasaaja

Steampunk Fairytale Goldylocks by Lavah

The Kid's Last Heist by imaginism

Steampunk Robot Concept 2 by Emze

Steampunk Mandalorian by Vinom11

Little Red Steampunk Hood by Leevitron

Steampunk City by Activateru

Steampunk Nicolai and Viktor by YoshiyukiKatana

IDotW089 - Steampunk Explorer by Legato895

Big Sir - Steampunk Robot by Herrenmedia

Steampunk Japan Hi Rez by Phishy

HiddenYume Steampunk by Rickbw1

Steampunk Oil Rig by ZackF

Steampunk Challenge: Sirens by Arenyth

Bounty Hunter by Nibilondiel

Steampunk Bike by VOLT-reborn

Steampunk Professor Penguin by Mirana

Steampunk Professor Penguin by Bendragonx

Steampunk Private Investigator by DevBurmak

Steampunk Guitarist by Dreamstone

Steampunk Character WIP 3 by Craig-bruyn

Steampunk Monster by Glaaarg

Steampunk Diner-Fin by Krad-Eelav

Gunslinger by Nibilondiel

Steampunk Melissa by TehTortle

Noah's Ark by Loboto

Steampunk Chef Wilgam by Lycorisu

Steampunk Motorcycle by Klortho

Steampunk Airship by TheOneWithout-a-Gun

Hammer Time by Yigitkoroglu

Steamy Robot Love by Ekuneshiel

P.N.Caster - Airship Provisioner by Ghostfire

Gunner by Hunterkiller

Storm Slayer - Steam Golem by Zeo-x

Control Room WIP by Malaveldt

Locomotive by Likaspapaya

LuftFlotte by Remton

Mechanoid de Nuevo by Dian3

Alice in Steampunkland by Strayedclimaca

The Smugglers by Ultra0kelvin

Steampunk Teatime by CyborgNecromancer

Harbour by JohnMalcolm1970

Vol Hivernal by Remton

SteamPunk Dalek Coloring by Mulddyr

Armada by Remton

30th by Voxmortem

Strange Island by Raybender

And You Are? by Xpsam

Hero Canal, London by Fitzhywel

Burn it to the Ground by BlueRogueVyse

Airship Pilot by Hakubaikou

Steampunk City by 0800

Sybera by Remton

City in the Clouds by ApneicMonkey

Steampunk City by Kekel

A Novel Not Yet Written by Vermin-Star

Steampunk Tutorials

Here are a handful of tutorials for creating your own steampunk-esque artworks.

Make A Steampunk Gear Using Photoshop Patterns and Effects - A tutorial that covers how to create realistic-looking gears in Photoshop by combining patterns with effects like Bevel and Emboss and Drop Shadows.

How to Create a Steampunk Style Illustration in Photoshop - A tutorial for creating a steampunk-esque photomanipulation.

Create a Dark Steampunk Digital Painting - A fantastic digital painting tutorial from ForCG.

20 Steps to Create a Steampunk Cyborg in Photoshop - Another photomanipulation tutorial.

Create a Steam Powered Typography Treatment - A Psdtuts+ tutorial for creating steampunk-inspired type.

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